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Negotiation, Conflict Resolution & Peacebuilding
The Program on Negotiation, Conflict Resolution, and Peace-building is an exciting professional program, aimed at building practical skills and knowledge. Founded in 1987, the Program produces scholar-practitioners. It has a large alumni base both nationally and internationally. Courses are taught in an applied, interactive manner, with hands-on exercises. Its professors, who are drawn from among the best in the country, are all leading contributors recognized at the national level. Each brings a particular expertise to the classroom associated with his or her chosen specialty and practice area. The program provides rigorous education in the field in a supportive and friendly learning environment. Coursework includes key areas of practice including negotiation, mediation, arbitration, fact-finding, investigation, early neutral evaluation, program evaluation, ombudsman work, dispute-systems design, and restorative practice.
In addition to providing education in all the standard practice skills, the program goes further than many others by emphasizing inter-cultural practice and organizational development. This provides students with the knowledge and skills to work not only as a valuable employee in a variety of industry settings but also as a skilled consultant to business organizations, communities, government, courts, law enforcement, NGOs, and in a host of related institutions. Students, alumni, and colleagues in the professional network consistently rank the Program on Negotiation, Conflict Resolution and Peace-building as one of the best in the nation because it offers high-quality education at an affordable price.